

As 2021 draws to a close we're going to look at one of the language highlights of the year. "YYDS" was one of the most popular Chinese buzzwords of 2021 according to the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, do you know what this piece of internet slang means? 


The pinyin abbreviation “yyds” has taken over the Chinese internet world in 2021 by storm. “yyds” stands for yǒngyuǎn de shén (永远的神) which literally translates as forever/eternal god. Chinese netizens use the phrase positively and affectionately similar to the way westerners use the acronym “GOAT” as the ‘greatest of all time’ to describe celebrities, sports personalities and things. The phrase broke into the mainstream this year when during the Tokyo Olympics commentators referred to successful Chinese athletes as “yyds”. The phrase is not really seen as real Chinese and is considered slang. 

Example sentences:

Màikè'ěr qiáodān jiùshì yyds.


Michael Jordan is so the yyds.

Mókǎ kāfēi tài hǎo hē le, mókǎ kāfēi jiùshì yyds.

摩卡咖啡太好喝了, 摩卡咖啡就是yyds。 

Mocha coffee is so delicious, it’s just yyds.

Zhōujiélún chànggē hěn hǎotīng, tā jiùshì yyds.

周杰伦唱歌很好听, 他就是 yyds。

Jay Chou sings so well, he is such a yyds.


In celebration of "YYDS" we’re going to look at some other common Chinese internet slang buzzwords you should know right now so you can get up to date with cyber speak



This pinyin abbreviation is perfect those who cannot contain your laughter and look like you’re going to pee your pants. “xswl” is short for “xiào sǐ wǒ le (笑死我了)”, literally meaning you’re laughing to death. The equivalent in English would be ‘lmao’ for laughing my ass off or ‘rofl’ for Rolling on the floor laughing. 

Example sentence: 

Nǐ fā gěi wǒ de Dǒuyīn shìpín tài gǎoxiào le, xswl.


The tik tok video you sent me is so funny, laughing to death.



For those who are always right and know everything. "nsdd" stands for nǐ shuō de duì (你说的对) meaning ‘you’re right’. It can be used literally and simply to approve and acknowledge what someone has said or can be used in a more hastily and dismissive manner to shorten conversational exchanges that are rubbing you up the wrong way. 

Example sentence:

Nsdd, zhè jiàn shì quèshí yīnggāi tīng nǐ de.

Nsdd, 这件事确实应该听你的。

Nsdd, it really should be up to you.



"Zqsg" is the acronym for Zhēnqíng shígǎn (真情实感), literally translating as ‘true feelings’ and is used to show ones sincere and real feelings and emotions when being moved and touched by something, usually either a film, TV drama or a song. 

Example sentence: 

Zhè shǒu gē chàng de tài zqsg le.


This song is sung so zqsg, I want to cry.



“If you get it, you get it”, do you know what I mean? Only those who know what I mean will know what I mean. Apologies for speaking in tongues lol. But this is the meaning of “dddd”, the pinyin acronym for “dǒng de dōu dǒng 懂的都懂”, basically referring to things that can only be understood if you already understand, grasping meaning that goes beyond mere words. 

Example sentence:

Wǒ yǐjīng shuō de hěn míngxiǎnle, dddd.


I’ve already said pretty clearly, dddd.



In a hurry, well "gkd" is the pinyin acronym for you, it stands for gǎo kuàidiǎn (搞快点) and literally means ‘do it faster’, used for shorthand to say ‘hurry up’. 

Example sentence:

Gkd, chūzūchē sījī zài ménkǒu děng zhe le!


Gkd, the taxi driver is waiting outside!



If you don’t understand something and need to ask questions to gain clarity, use "bdjw" for shorthand, it stands for bù dǒng jiù wèn (不懂就问), the equivalent in English would be something like ‘let me ask’. 

Example sentence: 

Bdjw, wèishénme A shì zhè dào tí de zhèngquè dá'àn?

Bdjw, 为什么 A 是这道题的正确答案?

Bdjw, why is A the right answer to this question? 



“u1s1” stands for “yǒu yī shuō yī (有一说一)” which literally translates as ‘one speaks one' and can be used in different scenarios, firstly you can use it as phrase to indicate that you agree with what someone has said, in this way it would mean ‘that makes sense’ or ‘is reasonable’. You can also add a sentence after it to elicit and express a new point of view, in this way it would be similar to ‘honestly speaking’ or ‘to be honest’.  

Example sentence: 

U1s1, zhè bù diànyǐng hěn hǎokàn.
U1s1, 这部电影很好看。
U1s1, this film is very good.



"Pljj" and "plgg" respectively stand for piàoliang jiějie (漂亮姐姐) and piàoliang gēge (漂亮哥哥), meaning “pretty sister” and “pretty brother” and is used commonly as a compliment by Chinese netizens to comment on someone’s good looks. These abbreviations can also be used to politely address someone you do not know very well, in a similar way to how you will hear 美女 and 帅哥. However be aware that Plgg more refers to men who are more feminine, think Lu Han ( 鹿晗).

Example sentence:

Pljj/ plgg wǒ kěyǐ jiā gè wēixìn ma?

Pljj / plgg 我可以加个微信吗?

Pljj / plgg can I add your WeChat?



Another one to express extreme feelings and exaggeration, this time to show such excitement and emotion that you feel you will drop dead. "Awsl" stands for ā wǒ sǐ le (啊我死了), literally meaning you’re dying. 

Example sentence:

Tā tài shuàile, awsl.

他太帅了, awsl。

He’s so handsome, awsl. 


We hope you enjoyed our article. 

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